Run it as administrator then once started, close it, this will install the 'create PKG'. Then locate the 'PKG_ContentID.exe' that you find in the folder:Ĭ: \ Users \ XXXX \ PS3Tools \ PS3Tools \ tools \ PKG_ContentID.exe Then restart the installation 'ps3 tools 2.2.2' as above. If you have an error and you are unable to install the software correctly install the VB5 runtime you that can find by following this link : vbvm50.exe To install it, right click on the icon and run as administrator. First, on the PC, install 'PS3 tools v2.2.2' that you'll find in the archive : TOOLS-2 \ ps3tools222 \ install_ps3tools_2.2.2.exe
Download this pack that includes all what you need.
This tutorial will teach you how to play any PS2 game on your PS3 in CFW.